10.00-12.15 |
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The draft law "On the state strategic planning" will be discussed in the plenary reports from the position of the legislator, the three federal ministries of the Federation and the municipality sector. There will also be lighted experience of planning within the European Union.
 | About the System of St Petersburg State Planning |
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Moderators : , |
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 | Greeting |
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 | Greeting |
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 | Legislative Providing a Unified Strategic Planning System in the Russian Federation |
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 | Participation of State Monopolies in the Governmental Strategic Planning and the Alignment of Sectoral Development Strategies with the Development Strategies of Russian Federation and Regions (experience of the Russian Railways) |
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 | European Regional and Urban Policy: Strategic Planning |
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 | Fundamentals of Strategic Planning: the Combination of the Scale of Regional Development |
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 | Key Tasks of Large City in State Strategic Planning System (experience of Rostov-on-Don) |
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 | Greeting |
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 | Greeting |
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 | Coordination of Planning for Groups of Countries (CEMAT Experience) |
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 | Strategic Planning as a Key Element of the Architecture Development Management |
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12.30-14.00 |
| Organizers : Ministry for Regional Development, ICSER Leontief Centre |
VI International Forum Round Table will traditionally provide a platform for discussion of topical international aspects in regional development. This year framework of the round table will provide a discussion among the experts and representatives of national, European, international and organizations: European Conference of Ministers responsible for Spatial/Regional Planning (CEMAT), the Council of Europe, Association of European Border Regions, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, etc.
Issues to be addressed:
- Development of the living environment ‐ potentials of applying the European Landscape Convention: regional dimension
- The European Landscape Convention: an important step at Pan‐European Level
- The EU financial policy towards the regions
- Climate change and regional action plan
- Challenges of Arctic territories development
- The progress of life quality Index measurement in European Regions
Moderators : , |
Moderators : , |
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 | R20 - Enabling Regions to build a Green Economy |
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 | Achieving the Best Outcomes from Land; the Role of Government |
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 | The Development of Our Regional Environment - Potentials of Applying the European Landscape Convention |
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 | European Landscape Convention: Strategic Planning for the Quality of Life |
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 | Landscape Politics: Our Hopes and Proposals |
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12.30-14.00 |
| Organizers : Ministry for Regional Development of Russia, State Duma of Russia, Ministry for Economic Development of Russia |
The need for a federal law "On the governmental planning" was frequently mentioned by the subjects of the Russian Federation and federal executive power bodies. This is largely due to the fact that the actual regulations in the sphere of state forecasting and planning are outdated, regulations, governing the budget process and state bodies have not agreed among themselves, and accumulated experience in strategic planning at the federal level, regions and cities need formalization and legislative regulation.
 | Regional Aspects of the Draft Federal Law "On the State Strategic Planning" |
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Moderators : , |
 | Problems of legal regulation of the municipal strategic aspects of planning in the bill on the state strategic planning |
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Moderators : , |
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 | The strategy of development of the subject of the Russian Federation - a key element of the strategic planning at the regional level |
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 | Experience in the formation and operation of the strategic planning Member States of the Customs Union and Common Economic Space and potential participants integration: a regional perspective |
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 | Approaches to Improve the System of Spatial Planning in the Russian Federation |
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12.45-14.15 |
| Organizers : Russian Architectural Union, Expert RA Rating Agency, Institute of territorial planning «Urbanica» |
12.30-14.00 |
| Organizers : Committee of Economical Development and Investment Activity of the Leningrad Region |
Government programs as a tool in the strategic planning of the Russian Federation, are just the scope of practice of public administration.
The process of their formation is not completed, but the experience gained in the course of their training, and to evaluate the success of
the implementation of state programs at the regional and municipal level. The purpose of the roundtable is to review the best practices for
the implementation of mechanisms of public building programs of different levels, identification of the most promising model that can be scaled
in various regions of the Russian Federation.
Moderators : , |
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 | Experience in the Implementation and Realization of State Programs of the Republic of Komi |
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 | Problems of Formation of Program Budget |
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 | The Methodology for Developing Government Programs at the Federal and Regional Level Innovations and Prospects |
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 | The Transition to The Program Structure of The Budget. Experience of The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) |
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 | A regional approach to the assessment of the effectiveness of government programs. |
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 | Government programs in the strategic planning of the Leningrad area |
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 | The experience of the Khabarovsk Territory to introduce a system of strategic management by region based on government programs |
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 | The Priorities of the State Policy in the Sphere of Development and Implementation of State Programs of the Russian Federation |
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 | Monitoring, Analysis and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Government (Municipal) Programs |
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12.30-14.00 |
| Organizers : The Analytical Centre under the Government of the Russian Federation |
Today in Russia there are many documents relating to the field of strategic management, but they do not form a interconnected system not in terms of priorities, neither in terms of a particular implementation. The panel discussion will discuss approaches to solving these problems based on: the experience of monitoring the plans of federal departments, carried out by the Analytical Center, established in the Yaroslavl region, and a well-functioning system of strategic management in the region (SSDS), the experience of other regions of the Russian Federation.
 | Problem of Achieving Long-Term Strategic Goals in the Region (the Experience of More than One Year) |
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 | Strategic Management as a Key Factor in the Management of Sustainable Development in the Region |
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Moderators : , |
 | Federal Priorities and the Monitoring of their Implementation: Opportunities and Limitations |
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 | On Improving the Practice of Strategic Management of the Country in View of the Municipal Level |
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 | Strategic Approach to Real Estate Management at the Regional Level |
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 | Information Support of the State Strategic Planning of the Russian Federation |
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12.30-14.00 |
| Organizers : National Research University Higher School of Economics (Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics), ICSER Leontief Centre |
The main objective of the roundtable is to study Russian and foreign experience research, modeling and design of the development of modern cities. Invited to hear and discuss reports of Russian and foreign colleagues on projects of Paris, Moscow, St. Petersburg and other major cities (such as in Russia and abroad). It is also planned to consider the experience of the major transport and infrastructure projects that can have significant long-term impact on socio-economic development of cities.
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 | Grand Paris |
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 | Grand Paris: The Urban Context and Impactof New Metro Project |
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 | The Project of New Grand Paris |
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Moderators : , |
15.00-17.00 |
| Organizers : Ministry for Regional Development , Expert RA Group of Rating Agencies, Non-commercial partnership «Institute of regions» |
In 2013 the federal law on strategic planning will be adopted, which will set the regulatory framework for all strategic documents in the Russian regions. The purpose of the round table: to develop the most objective and methodologically valid approach to assessing and rating strategies for socio-economic development of regions of Russia. The main topic of the round table is to discuss the methodology for assessing the quality of socio-economic development of regions.
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Moderators : , |
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15.00-17.00 |
| Organizers : Committee on Economic Policy and Strategic Planning of Saint Petersburg, Nordic Council of Ministers, ICSER Leontief Centre, Council of the Baltic Sea States |
Forum Green Day is supported by the Government of St. Petersburg and the Nordic Council of Ministers in the framework of Environmental Year in Russia, conducted in 2013 in accordance with the President Decree (¹ 1157 of 10 August 2012). This action is focused on the presentation and discussion of Russian and international best practice in the design, management and implementation of strategic plans based on the current trends of globalization and the green economy.
Innovation networks and clusters of "green technologies" is the first session of the FORUM GREEN DAY, where in conjunction with the Council of the Baltic Sea States Secretariat on Sustainable Development there will be presented a flagship projects and leading regions in territorial clusters of sustainable development (Sustainable Urban Development - SUD) and clusters of clean technologies (Cleantech) of Northern Europe and the North-West of Russia. The round table will focus on the Green technologies and clusters, which facilitate economic growth, as well as on incentives for investment in the resource-efficient technologies and environmental protection, paying great attention to cooperation at all levels – industry, science and government.
 | Port of Ust-Luga Strategy for the Formation of Clusters of Sustainable Development |
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Moderators : , |
Moderators : , |
 | Urban Development: Plans for the Future |
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 | Effect - Flag project of the Council of Baltic Sea States |
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 | Development of the eco-technology clusters as a way of overcoming the contradictions between economy and ecology |
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 | Development of the eco-technology clusters as a way of overcoming the contradictions between economy and ecology |
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 | Welcome address |
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 | Potential of Alternative Energy in the North-West of Russia - Examples of Projects and Technologies |
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 | Oresund Region as a leader of sustainable development |
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 | Creating the Smart & Green City: the role of business |
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 | Creating the Smart & Green City: the role of business |
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 | Eco-labeling as an innovative tool for greening the economy |
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15.00-17.00 |
| Organizers : Fund «The Center for Strategic Research», Ministry for development of Far East of Russia |
With the increasing role of the Asia -Pacific region in the global economy and the increasing importance of the Far East and Trans-Baikal as a
contact zone that provides external economic, cultural and other forms of international cooperation. Given the current trajectory of the Far East and Trans-Baikal on the one hand and the Asia-Pacific region - on the other, the need to improve the state’s attention to the geo-political, strategic, economic and demographic problems of the macro-region. Implementation of the policy integration of the Far East and Trans-Baikal in the overall process and the dynamics of the Asia-Pacific region need immediate boost economic and demographic development, technical and technological modernization of production, radically improve the investment climate, development of new, including unique recreational resources. A key tool in the implementation of these policies is strategic planning, development of industries and areas of the Far East and Trans-Baikal at the state level , which is the subject of this round table.
 | Strategy Zabaikalsky Region - 2030: from the "Points of Growth" of the Space Development |
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 | Experience of Strategic Planning in the Far East and the Baikal Region |
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Moderators : , |
 | State Program Far East and the Baikal region: the Problem of Goal-setting, Implementation Mechanisms, Lack of Resources? |
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 | Development of the Infrastructure of the Far East as a Basic Condition for Improving the Investment Potential of the Region |
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15.00-17.00 |
| Organizers : Ministry for Economic Develop-ment of Russian Federation, Ministry for Regional Devel-opment of Russian Federation, National research university «Higher School of Economics» |
The panel will focus on the key issues of building an effective management system implementation strategies for socio-economic development of Russia (hereinafter - the Strategy). In discussing the topic in a need to improve the model of state management of the implementation of strategies for social and economic development of the regions will be attended by representatives of federal and regional authorities, leading Russian and foreign experts. The discussion will be affected by problems of real-world implementation of strategic development documents.
 | Experience of Performance Appraisal System Formation of Regional Executive Authorities as Monitoring Mechanism of Socio-Economic Development Regional Strategy Implementation |
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 | Situation Monitoring - an Effective Tool for Managing the Implementation of the Regional Development Strategy |
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 | Evaluation of the Implementation of Regional Development Strategies in Russia |
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 | Creating a System of Managing the Implementation of the Strategy for Purposes of the Region Development |
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Moderators : , |
Moderators : , |
 | Strategy for Socio-Economic Development 2030 |
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 | Key Indicators of Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation |
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 | Information Support of Strategic Planning: Forecasting, Coordination, Monitoring |
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15.00-17.00 |
| Organizers : Ministry for Economic Development of Russia, National research university «Higher School of Economics» |
The strategy of innovative development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 stands out as one of the most important aspects of effective national innovation system of coordination between federal and regional innovation policies, improving the efficiency of existing and development of new tools to support innovation development at the regional level. Given the fact that the innovative growth of the domestic economy will largely be subject to the development of innovative growth poles, which are localized in the regions of Russia, the most important element of the strategic planning of the sphere become regional innovation development strategy or sections to stimulate innovation in the regional strategies of socio-economic development.
 | Education as a Driver of Regional Development: Expectations and Doubts |
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 | Basic Development Principles of Strategy of Innovative Development of the Subject of the Russian Federation |
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 | Cluster Policy in the System Strategic Planning of Social and Economic Development and Innovation in the Region |
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Moderators : , |
 | Intoduction |
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 | Innovative System of Tomsk Region |
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 | Development of Region Innovation Infrastructure. Methodology and Practice |
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 | "Transfer Bridge" as the Link Innovation Development |
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17.15-19.15 |
| Organizers : AV Group, Expert council «Potential of Russia» |
The focus of international development is concentrated in the global competitive poles of growth, as evidenced by the study AV Group (AV Regions Competition Index). Competition index of the region (AV RCI) - a comprehensive assessment that characterizes the actual ability of the territory to compete for resources and markets. Competition index of the region reflects the actual implementation of the factors of competition,
estimates that indicate the results of inter-regional competition. This study emphasizes the need to prioritize regional policy in Russia. Several regions - leaders in competitiveness ("growth poles") determine the socio-economic development of the country (this conclusion is proved as in domestic practice, and by the example of the global developed and developing economies).
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Moderators : , |
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 | Competition Index of Regions - a Growth Pole Russia (AV RCI) |
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17.15-19.15 |
| Organizers : Committee on Economic Policy and Strategic Planning of Saint Petersburg. Deputy Chairman, Nordic Council of Ministers, ICSER Leontief Centre, Lillehammer municipality |
Forum Green Day is supported by the Government of St. Petersburg and the Nordic Council of Ministers in the framework of Environmental Year in Russia, conducted in 2013 in accordance with the President Decree (¹ 1157 of 10 August 2012). This action is focused on the presentation and discussion of Russian and international best practice in the design, management and implementation of strategic plans based on the current trends of globalization and the green economy.
Strategy of transport mobility and sustainable tourism is the second round table of the Forum Green Day to present the best practices in the design and management strategies for sustainable/green development of cities and regions, which include strategies and Roadmaps for Green Growth, Master plans for sustainable territorial development, instruments for attracting investments into infrastructure transformation of old industrial urban areas into modern, eco-friendly and comfortable to live areas
 | The project "SAGA of the city. Potential for the development of public spaces in Saint-Petersburg" |
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 | Livable cities for the 21st Century |
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 | Green Transition in a Danish Municipality |
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 | The new system of voluntary eco-sustainable habitat certification as a tool for "green" planning (by the Union of Architects of Russia, Russian Sustainable Architecture and Building Council) |
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 | Ecocity of Augustenborg as success story of green transformation |
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Moderators : , |
Moderators : , |
 | Olympics as a driver for Sustainable Regional Development |
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 | Strategies to improve access to recreational areas |
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 | Municipal Strategies and Leadership for Sustainable Development |
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 | Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Kymenlaakso region |
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17.15-19.15 |
| Organizers : ICSER Leontief Centre |
The seminar will be presented for discussion of the results of the research project, implemented with the support of the RGNF and dedicated to the study of municipal strategies Russian cities. The results are of interest for the community of municipal strategies.
 | Study of Texts Municipal Strategies by Content Analysis |
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Moderators : , |
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17.15-19.15 |
| Organizers : Ministry for Economic Development of Russia, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation, Centre for Economic Projects |
17.15-19.15 |
| Organizers : Ministry for Economic Development , Russian State Hydrometeorological University |
The development strategy of maritime activities of the Russian Federation up to 2030 sets the task of transition to integrated development planning of coastal areas and coastal waters of specific coasts of the country, highlighting them in a separate single object of government, which includes the development and implementation of programs for the integrated development of coastal areas and coastal waters as a separate component strategies and programs for socio-economic development of coastal subjects of the Russian Federation and program development of the coastal municipalities.
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 | Methodical Recommendations for the Development of Coastal Marine Ñomponent of the Strategy of Social and Economic Development of the Russian Primorye Subject |
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 | Proposals on Formation of a Control System Seaside Kaliningrad Region |
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Moderators : , |
 | Strategic planning of development of the Russian Arctic |
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 | Sea complex in the state of Strategic planning at the regional level (example of the Murmansk region) |
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Moderators : , |
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 | Methodical Recommendations for the Development of Coastal Marine Ñomponent of the Strategy of Social and Economic Development of the Russian Primorye Subject |
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09.30-11.30 |
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11.45-13.30 |
| Organizers : Ministry for Regional Development of Russia |
Urban agglomerations in the modern post-industrial economy are the main centers of economic activity. Modern urban agglomeration are beyond the the existing administrative structures, they require special mechanisms of regulation and control, special approval procedures. In the Russian Federation agglomeration as an object are outside the scope of state and municipal government, and in the legal field, there is no notion of "agglomeration" ("agglomeration"). However, it is evident the necessity of arranging the sintering and putting it in scope state and municipal government. The round table is proposed to discuss in the script changes in the legal field The Russian Federation, including the consideration of the experience of foreign countries.
Moderators : , |
Moderators : , |
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 | On the Development of Agglomeration "Tomsk - Seversk - Tomsk Region" |
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 | Agglomeration Resource of the Gulf of Finland |
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 | Novosibirsk Agglomeration |
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 | Territorial Self-Government as a Strategic Partner of the Regional Government in Russia |
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11.45-13.30 |
| Organizers : VASAB, Ministry for Regional Development of Russia, ICSER Leontief Centre |
The Round table "Sustainable development in rural and urban areas: the experience of the Baltic Sea" will focus on the strategies, models and tools for the development of sustainable partnerships between urban and rural areas, which should become a key chain in the formation of a new strategy for rural-urban sustainable territorial planning. A necessary condition for achieving this objective is the exchange of knowledge and experience of successful urban-rural partnerships planning in the Baltic Sea Region as well as the introduction of modern technologies aimed at:
- resource-efficient, energy saving and eco-innovative urban-rural development (renewable energy sources such as biogas, solar panels and wind turbines, vertical gardens and green roofs, modern technologies in the field of effective wildlife management) promotion of rural agricultural and eco-tourism
- reducing the distance from the places of production to the place of consumption, by supporting local farming (Food Miles strategy)
- ecovillages as one of the socio-economic dimensions of sustainable development in rural and urban areas
- promotion of the environmental rural lifestyle by involving urban population
 | Scandinavian Green Roofs and Urban Gardening |
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 | Ecovillages for Sustainable Rural Development |
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 | Strengthening Urban-Rural Linkages in the Baltic Sea Region - Experiences of the Council of the Baltic Sea States |
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 | Green Cities and Villages: Sustainable Spatial Development of the Cross-Border Areas |
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 | Introductory Word |
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Moderators : , |
 | Via Hanseatica Partnership: Practical Support for Regional Development |
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 | Homestead Marino: the role of business in the revival of rural areas and development creative clusters |
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 | Green Transition in a Danish Municipality |
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 | State Housing Authority |
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11.45-13.30 |
| Organizers : Ministry for Regional Development of Russia, Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in North-West Federal District, Strategic partnership «North-West» |
The system of spatial planning provided for Urban Development
Code of the Russian Federation, is now turned unfinished. It includes the federal level and the level of the Federation. However, in reality there is a lot of projects and programs of socio-economic development, the need for and feasibility of which are beyond the boundaries of a region. Moreover, at present, there are already the strategy of social and economic development of the federal districts. And GradKodeksu strategy - the upper level of planning, followed by the territorial planning scheme
 | The Goals, Objectives, Structure and Content of the Schemes of Territorial Planning of the Federal District |
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 | The Role and Place of the Federal Districts in the Creation of a Unified National System of Strategic and Spatial Planning |
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 | Problems of Development and Coordination of Territorial Planning Schemes of the Two Regions (Leningrad Region Experience) |
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 | Ecological-Oriented Approach to Issues of Territorial Planning |
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 | The Role and Position of the Federal Districts in the Creation of a Unified National System of Strategic and Spatial Planning |
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Moderators : , |
11.45-13.30 |
| Organizers : Government of the Tatarstan Republic |
11.45-13.30 |
| Organizers : R&D Institute of General Planning of Moscow |
Issues of the Transport Framework development in urban aglomerations have acquired a special urgency in recent years. In this regard, the experience in the development of the largest in Russia Moscow Transport Hub project (completed in the summer of this year) represents an absolute interest for urban planners and managers at the federal and regional levels as an example of successful cooperation between the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the two subjects of the Russian Federation (Moscow and Moscow region).
 | Methodical development recommendations of a coastal and sea component of social and economic development Strategy of the seaside territorial subject of the Russian Federation |
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Moderators : , |
 | Suggestions and recommendations on planning a balanced economic activities on the unique marine coastal landscapes (braids, beaches, dunes, estuaries), taking into account the environmental dimension of landscape features on the example of the Russian part of the Azov-Black Sea |
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 | Solution of Transport Problems - the Creation of Conditions for Potential Growth the Region’s Economy |
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 | State Company "Russian Automobile Roads" |
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 | Agglomeration Resource Gulf of Finland |
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 | Moscow Region - New Transport Possibilities, Formation of the System of Transport Services" |
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 | Measuring Growth Potentials and Transport Effects in Agglomerations Based on the Leontief Input-Output-Model |
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 | Transportation System in St Petersburg: Polycentrism or Systemic Crisis |
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 | Main Provisions General Scheme of the Moscow Railway Hub |
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 | Actualization Program of Development Transport Complex of the Moscow Region for the Period up to 2020 |
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11.45-13.30 |
| Organizers : National research university «Higher School of Economics» (International Laboratory of the theory of markets and the spatial economy), ICSER Leontief Centre |
The main objective of the roundtable is to study Russian and foreign experience in research, modeling and design of the development of modern cities. Invited to hear and discuss reports of Russian and foreign colleagues on projects in Paris, Moscow, St. Petersburg and other major cities (such as Russia and abroad). It is also planned to consider the experience of the implementation of major transport and infrastructure projects that can have significant long-term impact on the socio-economic development of cities.
Moderators : , |
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 | Grand Paris New Project |
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 | The Social and Economic Impact of the Project |
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Moderators : , |
 | Socio-Economic Importance of the Grand Paris Project |
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10.00-14.00 |
| Organizers : State Polytechnical University, Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulu, University of Applied Sciences, Kotka-Hamina Regional Development Company (CURSOR Oy), St Petersburg Business-Contact Centre BIZKON |
Development of Bioenergy represents strategic interest for the Regional development. The round table will feature a strategy of bioenergy cluster development and the possibility of the Russian-Finnish cooperation in bio-energy:
- Cooperation in the management of landfills (waste separation, biogas production, recycling and landfill, etc.);
- The development of wind energy;
- The possible use of Finnish and other western technology;
- Discussion of possible international projects (themes, partners, financing);
- Consideration of other forms of cooperation in the production of renewable energy.
Moderators : , |
 | Biosaimaa Cluster – Case Biocoal |
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 | Municipal Waste Management and Recycling since 1997 |
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 | Sustainable Strategy of Kymenlaakso Region |
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 | Welcome address |
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 | Problems oà the Bioenergy Development in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region |
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 | Modern Technologies of Waste Management in the Bioenergy Sector |
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 | Biogas and Natural Gas Synergies in Finland |
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 | The Use of Micrio-Ceramic Engines |
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 | Energy Utilization of Domestic Wastes - case: Waste to Energy CHP Plant in Kotka |
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 | Project Solutions and Bioenergy Equipment |
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14.30-16.15 |
| Organizers : Ministry for Regional Development of Russia |
The formulation of spatial development strategy of Russia, justification of future decisions on the spatial organization of the country should be based on the current system of settlement and infrastructure, taking into account trends and the redistribution of international markets, geo-strategic security requirements, substantial coordination of documents socio-economic and territorial planning at all levels of management. Discussion of this and in general of the current approaches to the development of the settlement system in Russia will focus of this round table.
Moderators : , |
 | Organization of Space and Accommodation in the State of Strategic Planning |
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Moderators : , |
 | Contact Settlement Patterns and Layout of the Productive Forces |
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 | Balanced Social and Economic, Spatial and Innovative Post-Industrial Economy Type Development due to National Science-Center Belt Creation in Russia |
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 | Redressing the Imbalance of Regional Development through an Integrated Approach to the Planning of Territorial Development |
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 | The possibilities of developing a complex scheme of territorial planning |
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 | On the Interaction of Strategic and Spatial Planning |
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 | Methodological Bases of an Estimation of Environmental Quality of Urban Activity Formed |
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14.30-16.15 |
| Organizers : Committee on Economic Policy and Strategic Planning of Saint Petersburg, Nordic Council of Ministers, ICSER Leontief Centre, European Greenways Association |
Forum Green Day is supported by the Government of St. Petersburg and the Nordic Council of Ministers in the framework of Environmental Year in Russia, conducted in 2013 in accordance with the President Decree (¹ 1157 of 10 August 2012). This action is focused on the presentation and discussion of Russian and international best practice in the design, management and implementation of strategic plans based on the current trends of globalization and the green economy.
Strategy of transport mobility and sustainable tourism - is the third round table of the FORUM GREEN DAY, organised jointly with the European Greenway Association (EGWA) will focus on the European strategy and plans for transportation development, as well as the Russian initiative, devoted to the development of transport system and urban mobility cycling infrastructure. It will also present the approaches to a successful strategic positioning of cultural tourism as an integral part of the local sustainable development plan in accordance with the methodology by the European GREENWAYS network of cultural and natural heritage green routes (local, inter-regional , international) .
 | Urban Mobility: Cycling routes of Saint - Petersburg |
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Moderators : , |
 | Aarhus Cycling City Project |
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 | National Greenway Daevelopment : the Potential of Russian Federation |
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 | Greenways : a tool for sustainable and accessible tourism |
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 | Greenways of Vyborg |
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 | Mountain Park "Ruskeala": prospects and challenges |
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Moderators : , |
 | The City bike project in Aarhus |
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 | The First National Cycling Route St Petersburg - Moscow |
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 | Greenways and cycling |
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14.30-16.15 |
| Organizers : JSC «Russian railways», JSC «High-speed lines» |
Creating a high-speed rail lines was approved by the leadership of the country and supported by the regions and the business. The work is being in three directions from Moscow to St. Petersburg, Moscow - Kazan - Yekaterinburg, Moscow - Rostov-on-Don - Adler. Discussion Questions: support for the project from the public regional organizations, investment, training, regulatory support of the project, the options of business participation in the project.
 | High-speed railways - thread of regions |
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 | Issues and Methodology for Assessing the Effects of a Network of High-Speed Rail (Agglomeration Effects) |
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 | Development of High-Speed Rail as a Factor in Regional Economic Growth. Positive Experience of an International Transport Hub |
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Moderators : , |
 | Opening Speech |
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 | Role and Importance of High-Speed Rail for the Development Republic of Tatarstan |
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 | The Development of High-Speed Traffic - the Main Vector of the Modernization of the Transport System of the Nizhny Novgorod Region |
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 | High-Speed Highways as a Factor in the Development of Science, Innovation and Education |
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 | Role and Importance of High-Speed Rail Projects in the Sverdlovsk Region |
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 | Basic principles of design and placement station complexes HSR |
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 | High-Speed Highways as a Factor in the Development of Science, Innovation and Education |
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 | Synchronization with Plans to Build High-Speed Rail Implementation of Major Investment Projects in the Regions |
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 | Concept of Creating a Network of High-Speed Rail Strategy and Integrative Development of Regional Transport Infrastructure |
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 | Closing Speech |
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14.30-16.15 |
| Organizers : Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in North-West Federal District, Ministry for Regional Development of Russia, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Russia, Strategic partnership «North-West». Supported by Committee for External Relations of St.Petersburg |
The European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region is constantly changing, transforming in accordance with the demands of reality. Strategy for Socio‐Economic Development of the North‐West Federal District until 2020, has just recently been displayed in the action plan for implementation, and it will also have to pass the stage of testing and adjustment. Despite the considerable work, carried out in the field of synchronization of two key Baltic Sea strategic development documents, there is still a range of requests to enhance the process of joining forces. This is when the work of experts who can identify weaknesses, analyse the reasons for success and offer options to increase the efficiency of joint action in various areas of cooperation becomes of great importance.
Issues to be addressed:
1. Further steps towards the proposal of the common action plan for the Strategy of Socio‐economic Development in the North-West of Russia up to 2020 and the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region:
2. Search for synchronization capabilities of strategy documents within specific industries: tourism, sustainable development, civil security, education, transportation, etc.;
3. Common actions in the framework of cooperation «bottom‐up»: from civil society towards government bodies – step‐by‐step actions;
4. Institutional organisation of common efforts: which structure will bring together all interested parties?
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 | The results of the Copenhagen HELCOM Ministerial Meeting (October 3, 2013) |
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 | Baltic Sea Cooperation |
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 | Project on Cultural-Historical Connections and Museum Cooperation EU NDPC |
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 | Opportunities and risks in the implementation of the Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region |
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 | Council of the Baltic Sea States |
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14.30-16.15 |
| Organizers : St. Petersburg City Administration, Committee for economic policy and strategic planning of St. Petersburg |
Put forward the concept of formation within the city limits of major territorial and economic zones (TEZ) over the net of administrative rayonov.Ispolzovanie SRE to deepen and specification analysis and planning with regard to the distribution of population and places of employment in the trend may increase the balance of development and attractiveness of the city, will make a reasonable request urban planning unit from the power of social and economic planning. However, disputes concerning both the appropriateness of such zones and their role in the planning and specific about the boundaries of TEZ do not cease within the development team, and in the professional community.
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16.30-18.15 |
| Organizers : Ministry for Regional Development of Russia |
The vastness of the Russian territory, the constant need to keep space, a variety of environmental conditions leads to different types of settlement, which requires special methodological approach to the formation of the settlement system of the country in view of the development of unurbanized areas. Unerbanized areas in Russia differ from those regions of Europe and America’s low population density and force us to develop a special relationship and a system of measures to support their development. Features of these processes in Russia are invited to discuss the round table.
 | Problems of Not Urbanized Territories and Their Solution in Territorial Planning |
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 | Ecological-Oriented Approaches in the Preparation of Territorial Planning Schemes of the Russian Federation (Ivanovo Region Experience) |
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 | About the Ways Simplify the System of Development Documents of Territorial Planning of Urban and Rural Settlements |
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 | Going to the Suicide of the Civilization of Money and the Ability to Implement Humane Alternatives |
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 | Methods of Study of the Sustainable Development of Rural Areas |
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 | Post Agglomerativity of Techno Farm Neo Periphery |
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 | Principles of Development of Integrated Systems of Settlement to Preserve the Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity of the Country |
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16.30-18.15 |
| Organizers : Ministry for Regional Development of Russia, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Executive office of Plenipotentiary Representative of the RF Presi-dent in the North‐West Federal Region, Strategic partnership «North-West». Supported by Committee for External Relations of St.Petersburg |
2013-2014 are the years of elaboration and development of the program documentation for the new programs of Russia-EU cooperation: Baltic Sea Region Programme and EU-Russia cross-border cooperation programs (2014-2020), the completion of Russia’s presidency in CBSS and VASAB in 2013. The organizers consider this action as a national public hearing. Russian representatives in the governing bodies of Pan-Baltic organizations, programs and initiatives (programs of the Baltic Sea Region and Russia-EU cross-border cooperation programmes, programmes of Northern Dimension umbrella, CBSS, Baltic Development Forum, VASAB and HELCOM) will report Russian stakeholders on the status of program preparation for the new period, the results and prospects of Russia’s participation in the programs and initiatives of EU cooperation, and will give the answers to the questions from participants (a discussion is also expected).
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 | Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013: Transnational Cooperation of Regions |
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 | Prospects of cooperation in the framework of cross-border programs "Estonia - Russia and the" Latvia - Russia " |
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 | Baltic Sea: "The Common Sea - The Common Care" |
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 | Subjective ideas on some issues that are proposed to take into account in developing the program ENI |
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16.30-18.15 |
| Organizers : St Petersburg City Administration, Committee for economic policy and strategic planning of St. Petersburg, Council of municipalities of St. Petersburg, Nordic Council of Ministers, Centre for Independent Social Research |
«Projects of Public Spaces Transformation» is carried out in the framework of the joint project of Nordic Council of Ministers and Council of Municipalities of Saint-Petersburg ‐ The City Saga. Public Spaces in Transformation. The purpose of the SAGA project is contribution to development of public spaces of Saint Petersburg and their transformation into greener, smarter and more attractive and accessible ones.
St. Petersburg professionals ‐ architects, sociologists, planners and other professionals involved in the The City Saga project study the experience of Gehl Architects as well as other northern experts, rethink it in accordance with local cultural and historical context, and, in collaboration with the city and local authorities and residents form a model of public space that will make our city a better, more interesting and comfortable place.
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 | City Liveable. Development of St Petersburg Through the Creation of Public Spaces |
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 | Public spaces and city brand: prospects |
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 | From neighborhood to quarter. Basic principles of the urban quarter planning and development |
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 | Creating Smart and "Green" Public Spaces |
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18.15-18.45 |
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