Grishankov Dmitry,
Rating Agency Expert RA. General Director
Methodical Round Table
Regional Strategies: Quality Criteria and Rating Methodology
In 2013 the federal law on strategic planning will be adopted, which will set the regulatory framework for all strategic documents in the Russian regions. The purpose of the round table: to develop the most objective and methodologically valid approach to assessing and rating strategies for socio-economic development of regions of Russia. The main topic of the round table is to discuss the methodology for assessing the quality of socio-economic development of regions.
Attention! This module displays only registered moderators and speakers. Download the full version of the Concept:
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Baburin Vyacheslav, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Head of the Department of Economic and Social Geography of Russia |
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Zhikharevich Boris, ICSER Leontief Centre. Director of the Resource Centre for Strategic Planning |
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Knyaginin Vladimir, CSR “North-West”. Director |
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Lamanov Sergey, Fund "Center for Strategic Research-Region". Head of Groups of Projects |
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Rozhkova Elena, Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. Deputy Director of the Department of Strategic Development and Public Policy in the field of spatial planning |
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Perov Maksim, State Unitary Enterprise Research and Project Institute of Moscow City Master Plan. Head of the Center for Regional Research |
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Hotulev Evgeniy, Eurasian Economic Commission. Head of Macroeconomic policy Department |
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Chistjakov Vadim, Mayor’s Office of Novosibirsk. Advisor of Mayor |
