Committee on Economic Policy and Strategic Planning of Saint Petersburg. Deputy Chairman
Environment Lillehammer. Director, Environment Lillehammer, Municipality of Lillehammer Materials
SummaryForum Green Day is supported by the Government of St. Petersburg and the Nordic Council of Ministers in the framework of Environmental Year in Russia, conducted in 2013 in accordance with the President Decree (№ 1157 of 10 August 2012). This action is focused on the presentation and discussion of Russian and international best practice in the design, management and implementation of strategic plans based on the current trends of globalization and the green economy. Strategy of transport mobility and sustainable tourism is the second round table of the Forum Green Day to present the best practices in the design and management strategies for sustainable/green development of cities and regions, which include strategies and Roadmaps for Green Growth, Master plans for sustainable territorial development, instruments for attracting investments into infrastructure transformation of old industrial urban areas into modern, eco-friendly and comfortable to live areas Attention! This module displays only registered moderators and speakers. Download the full version of the Concept: Concept