XII All-Russian Forum
«Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia»


Görmar Wilfried,

Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning. Deputy Head of Division



Round Table
Urban Rural Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Experience of the Baltic Sea Region


The Round table "Sustainable development in rural and urban areas: the experience of the Baltic Sea" will focus on the strategies, models and tools for the development of sustainable partnerships between urban and rural areas, which should become a key chain in the formation of a new strategy for rural-urban sustainable territorial planning. A necessary condition for achieving this objective is the exchange of knowledge and experience of successful urban-rural partnerships planning in the Baltic Sea Region as well as the introduction of modern technologies aimed at: - resource-efficient, energy saving and eco-innovative urban-rural development (renewable energy sources such as biogas, solar panels and wind turbines, vertical gardens and green roofs, modern technologies in the field of effective wildlife management) promotion of rural agricultural and eco-tourism - reducing the distance from the places of production to the place of consumption, by supporting local farming (Food Miles strategy) - ecovillages as one of the socio-economic dimensions of sustainable development in rural and urban areas - promotion of the environmental rural lifestyle by involving urban population

Attention! This module displays only registered moderators and speakers. Download the full version of the Concept: Concept

Introductory Word

Görmar Wilfried, Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning. Deputy Head of Division

Ralph Michael, European Commission Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy. Adviser

Strengthening Urban-Rural Linkages in the Baltic Sea Region - Experiences of the Council of the Baltic Sea States

Kampus Krista, The Council of the Baltic Sea States. Senior Adviser&Head of the Baltic 21 Unit

State Housing Authority

Schultz Olov, BOVERKET, Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning. International Сoordinator

Homestead Marino: the role of business in the revival of rural areas and development creative clusters

Stepanova Galina, "Usadba Maryino" JSC. Director General

Via Hanseatica Partnership: Practical Support for Regional Development

Talvet Sille, Gravitas Consult LLC. Member of the Board

Ecovillages for Sustainable Rural Development

Gedminaite-Raudone Zivile, Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics. Researcher

Scandinavian Green Roofs and Urban Gardening

Malmberg Jonatan, Scandinavian Green Roof Institute. директор Скандинавского Института Зеленых Крыш

Green Cities and Villages: Sustainable Spatial Development of the Cross-Border Areas

Zhirnel Evgeniy, Institute of Economics at The Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Deputy Director for Science

Koski Ulla, Ministry of the Environment. Director, Spatial Planning
