Vakhrukov Sergey,
Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. Deputy Minister
Round Table
Strategies for Baltic Sea Region: from Synchronization to Joint Actions
The European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region is constantly changing, transforming in accordance with the demands of reality. Strategy for Socio‐Economic Development of the North‐West Federal District until 2020, has just recently been displayed in the action plan for implementation, and it will also have to pass the stage of testing and adjustment. Despite the considerable work, carried out in the field of synchronization of two key Baltic Sea strategic development documents, there is still a range of requests to enhance the process of joining forces. This is when the work of experts who can identify weaknesses, analyse the reasons for success and offer options to increase the efficiency of joint action in various areas of cooperation becomes of great importance.
Issues to be addressed:
1. Further steps towards the proposal of the common action plan for the Strategy of Socio‐economic Development in the North-West of Russia up to 2020 and the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region:
2. Search for synchronization capabilities of strategy documents within specific industries: tourism, sustainable development, civil security, education, transportation, etc.;
3. Common actions in the framework of cooperation «bottom‐up»: from civil society towards government bodies – step‐by‐step actions;
4. Institutional organisation of common efforts: which structure will bring together all interested parties?
Attention! This module displays only registered moderators and speakers. Download the full version of the Concept: Concept
 | Speaking Notes |
Hodachek Alexander, St. Petersburg office of Higher School of Economics. President |
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Pivnenko Valentina, State Duma of the Russian Federation. First Deputy Chairperson of the Committee for Regional Policy and Issues of North and Far East |
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Wolfe Colin, European Commission. Head of Unit |
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Maleryan Cristina, Oktyabrskaya Railway — the Branch Office of JSC «RZD». Deputy Head |
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Görmar Wilfried, Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning. Deputy Head of Division |
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Lohikoski Mikko, City of Turku. director of External Affairs |
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Paszkowski Jacek, Swedish Institute. Programme Manager |
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Lappo Andrey, Research and Design Institute of Urban Development. General Director |
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Khodko Slava, Saint-Petersburg State Economic University. Vice Rector on innovative affairs |
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