Information Partners
Parlamentskaya gazeta
Currently, "Parlamentskaya gazeta" is the official publisher of federal laws, regulations and other documents of the Federal Assembly. It is the only publication in the country, which officially informs about the complicative and sometimes contradictory legislative process, the life of the representative and executive authorities, local self-government in the regions.
Russian News & Information Agency RIA Novosti
Russian News & Information Agency RIA Novosti is Russia’s leading media holding with a rich 70-year history. A survey by American research company comScore listed the RIA Novosti website among the top ten electronic media outlets in Europe in July 2011. The RIA Novosti information agency is the core of the larger media holding. It is an acclaimed and widely cited source of up-to-the-minute and verified information. The agency maintains over 50 newswires daily and covers social and political news, the economy, science and sports. The agency has a wide network of correspondents in 69 Russian cities and 49 countries. The media holding has offices in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Belarus, and bureaus in other CIS and Baltic states.
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Interfax Information Services Group
Interfax Information Services Group is the largest diversified information provider in the CIS, and a recognized leader on the Russian information market in the B2B segment. Interfax develops professional information solutions that help companies operating on financial and commodity markets to make investment decisions, manage risks and organize external communications.Interfax products and services include news, market information, analysis, searchable databases, business directories, ratings and rankings, credit histories, IR services and information disclosures, organization of press conferences and placement of Internet advertising.Interfax has been the international community’s leading source of up-to-the-minute information on Russia and the CIS since the beginning of the 1990s. Interfax is the source most often cited in foreign media reports about the region.
Ekonomika I Zhizn’ All-Russia Newspaper
Founded on 6 November 1918, Ekonomika I Zhizn is the oldest high-volume economic weekly in Russia, as well as the most reputable B2B edition. The newspaper is distributed by subscription in all regions of the Russian Federation, and its audience is about a half of a million readers per issue (according to TNS Gallup Media). The mission of the newspaper is to support business management and services with the economical and financial expertise. The weekly advises on corporate governance, business and financial management, as well as taxation, accounting, legislation in different fields of law, legal defence of the business interests in the arbitration court. It analyzes and predicts the economy developments in Russia and globally.
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«Rossiyskaya gazeta»
«Rossiyskaya gazeta» today is a modern multimedia platform that daily provides readers with the most recent, trustworthy and major information about regional, federal and worldwide events. News, journalistic stories, exclusive interviews and comments from state officials and most powerful business, political and cultural representatives. «Rossiyskaya gazeta» makers are famous journalist, experts, analytics, prestigious columnists and special correspondents all over the world.
Russian Guild of Property Managers and Developers
Russian Guild of Property Managers and Developers was founded in 2002 by the leading property management companies of St. Petersburg.In September 2013 the Guild received the status Russian. RGMD is the association of property managers, developers and other real estate professionals of Russia and CIS countries. RGMD strategic objectives are to enhance the growth of real estate market. The Guild grew from a small professional union established to lobby professional interests into the large association, which represents Russian-CIS real estate industry on the international level.RGMD today is more than 350 development, management and other companies from 37 cities of Russia. The main project of partnership is International investment forum PROEstate.
The GIS-Association is an interregional community created to promote the geospatial technologies and services market. It was founded in 1995 in Russia.
To achieve this goal the Association attempts to improve land-owner rights legislation; defends its members’ rights. The Association is the main developer of the “Concept of the formation of the NSDI as an element of national informative resources” and the “Concept of an urban development support information systems (UDSIS)”.
The Association also provide informational support by developing Internet portal; publishing the “Managing the development of territories”; organizing specialized conferences and exhibitions.
The International Cultural Centre (ICC) Gorodskaya ploshchad’
The International Cultural Centre (ICC) Gorodskaya ploshchad’ was organized for participating in the realization of an extensive programme on developing small and medium-sized towns in Russia, which is aimed to unlock the cultural potential, tourist and investment-attractiveness of our country’s towns and regions. The ICC’s activities include: studying socioeconomic situations in municipalities, identifying a municipality’s unique distinguishing features, providing consulting services for the administration of municipal units on the introduction of programmes and realization of development projects for municipalities, creating a municipality’s unique brand, international cooperation.
The Open Economy site ( has been set in the year of 2000. The main goal of the Open Economy is constructing a communication environment for economy experts of Russia and other post-Soviet countries. Discussions, public expertise, points of view, provided by become a part of process of creation economic policy in Russia. The site is open for cooperation with any expert groups and organizations.
Russian Information agency "Regiony Rossii"
The leading political edition of the country shining a political and economic life of the Russian regions, acting as a debatable platform concerning interaction of subjects of the Russian Federation and the federal centre.Edition audience: heads of federal, regional and municipal authorities, State Corporation "Rostechnologies", Russian Engineering Union and companies of national importance. Distribution: subscription and mailing in 83 regions of Russia.
Information portal "Self-regulation»
Information portal "Self-regulation» ( created for informational support of self-regulation in the construction industry and the development of transparency in this area. publishes current information on the formation and development of self-regulation in the construction and related fields for more than two years and during that timeacquireda permanent user audience, which continues to grow. Advantages of rapid deployment of relevant information, a high degree of user trust, exclusive stories about the interaction of SRO with its members, national associations and authorities.
Territory Development Management
Territory Development Management is a quarterly magazine in Russia for state and municipality specialists in territorial planning and urban planning tools development. The issue has regular sections such as «News in legislation», «Urban planning», «Information systems», «Discussion». The magazine is distributed to federal agencies and municipalities across Russian Federation in field of urban planning and land and property relations.
Magazine for professionals of construction market GREEN CITY, dedicated to green building and sustainable development.
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BST (The Bulletin of the construction technology)
The journal of official publications of the Intergovernmental Counsil of CIS, the Ministry of Region development of Russia, The Russian Committee of technical regulation and the Russian Union of Builders (employers).The documents and informations of contemporary problems, trends, controversies and achievements in civil engineering and technical regulation.
Agency announcements
Agency announcements informs about all important events in the country. The mission of the project is the full coverage of the maximum possible range of events that might be of interest to members of the media. The project has existed for seven years and is unique in its specificity. On the Agency’s website every day there is up to 50 new announcements. Portal audience - up to 50 thousand visitors a month. Team is open to partnership and cooperation!
Financial Petersburg
St. Petersburg - financial capital of Russia.Banks, insurance companies, leasing companies, investment companies, real estate and development for many years successfully working in St. Petersburg.The project covers news finance and investment as St. Petersburg and Russia and the world.Our project contains a catalog of events and conferences for banks, insurance companies, investment companies.We publish press releases on finance and investment.
The Magazine «Budget»
The magazine «Budget» is a professional edition for goverment financiers, including workers of the Treasury, the Russian financial supervision, the accounts chamber, fiscal services and others. 15 thousand copies of the magazine are circulated all over Russia. The editorial staff of the financial and economic magazine «Budget» works in close contact with the Ministry of Finance and regional authority. The magazine «Budget» is the official publication of the Treasury of Russia.
06.03.2014 : Началась подготовка к XIII Общероссийскому форуму «Стратегическое планирование в регионах и городах России»
27 февраля заместитель Министра регионального развития В.В.Гаевский провел заседание Организационного комитета по подготовке XIII Общероссийского форума «Стратегическое планирование в регионах и городах России», который состоится 27-28 октября 2014 года в Санкт-Петербурге. Оргкомитет утвердил тему Форума: «Стратегическое планирование в регионах и городах России: обновление стратегий, обновление смыслов».
В заседании приняли участие директор Департамента стратегического развития и государственной политики в сфере территориального планирования Е.С. Чугуевская, представители Государственной Думы Российской Федерации, Комитета по экономической политике и стратегическому планированию Санкт-Петербурга, МЦСЭИ «Леонтьевский центр», ОАО «Российские железные дороги», НИУ «Высшая школа экономики», Союза Архитекторов России, Фонда «Центр стратегических разработок».
Цель Форума 2014 года – способствовать содержательному обновлению, переосмыслению региональных и муниципальных стратегий с учетом современных реалий: продолжающейся глобальной экономической нестабильности и необходимости ускорения регионального развития страны.