Strategic Planning in Regions and Cities of Russia: Potential for Integration/ Reports of participants of ХI All-Russia Forum Strategic Planning in Regions and Cities of Russia, St. Petersburg, 22-23 October 2012. Scientific Editor Boris Zhikharevich, Doctor of economic sciences. - St. Petersburg.: International Centre for Socio-Economic Research Leontief Centre, 2012. - 164 pp.
The publication captures the state of territorial strategic planning in Russia at the end of 2012, as reflected in the reports of participants of ХI All-Russia Forum Strategic Planning in Regions and Cities of Russia: Potential for Integration. In publication experience of development and implementation of strategy and programs at regional and municipal level is considered. Such themes, as territorial planning, programme and project management, green economy, innovations, marketing, international cooperation, development of coastal territories, theory and technology of a strategic planning, foreign experience of regional development are mentioned. The publication also includes a summary report containing an overview of the major events of the Forum, as well as Forum recommendations. It is recommended to practitioners in the field of strategic planning, students, teachers.